
A Couple's Travel | Food | Lifestyle Blog

It started over 3 coffees...

By Wednesday, November 23, 2016

D & I have decided to start this blog to document our experiences and growth story,

We are same, yet different. Similar in that we are both adventurous in trying out new things, enjoy travelling & good food. Different in that he is more chill, laid back, whilst I am always chasing after the next sunrise. Somehow, our worlds magically collided seven and a half months ago.

It was not easy at the start, given my frequent work travels, our dates involved many car rides to and fro the airport. Perhaps because of that, we treasure our infrequent dates with more plans than we can ever execute. 

Being relatively young working professionals, the time vs career / money equation is a challenging balancing act. At mid-ish to late 20s, we are at the age of climbing the corporate ladder and figuring out what we want in life. 

Now that I am back for a couple of months, this will be an insight to our normal dating life. Before jetsetting to Europe for work in March next year, this blog is also our way of sharing our experiences during this long distance relationship. 

I hope you enjoy reading away!


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