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Fat Cow - Premium Japanese steaks

By Monday, December 05, 2016 , ,

Steak has been a big part of my repertoire of comfort foods. It has always been shared together with the closest of friends and family, and my likeminded friends are on the constant lookout for newer and better steakhouses, not restricted to Singapore.

As part of celebrating L's return from her work stint in the Philippines, I decided to bring L to the highly raved Fat Cow for us to experience what they have on offer.

Despite hearing more about how their lunchtime wagyu dons are of great value, we decided to go for a steak dinner that is more befitting for this occasion.

Ohmi Grade A4 Ribeye

Fat Cow Restaurant

Fat Sour Cocktail & Negroni-San Cocktail

We kickstarted dinner with a round of cocktails - an out-of-the-norm whiskey-based Fat Sour for L, and an aptly named Negroni-san for myself.

The sliced bream with black truffle was a great palate opening appetizer. The fresh bream sashimi was beautifully lightly seasoned, that left us in deep anticipation for the ensuing dishes.

Ohmi Grade A4 Ribeye
OHMI Grade A4 Ribeye.
Miyazaka Grade A4 Striploin
MIYAZAKI Grade A4 Striploin - This is labelled as the ‘champion cow’.
The highlights of our night were our medium rare cuts of A4 Ohmi ribeye and A4 Miyazaki striploin. Prepared before us in the central charcoal grill, interspersed with rising flames spurred by the drippings of fat, we savoured these simply with sea salt and the occasional dip in the accompanying yuzu sauce.

Both cuts were excellent and had that melt-in-your-mouth characteristics one would expect of steaks of this level, with the charcoal grill providing wonderful smokey overtones to the mix. However L and I both agreed that the Ohmi was the standout of the two, providing that fine balance between flavour and richness.

Couldn't resist pairing these steaks with Kinoko - sautéed Japanese mushrooms with sake, lime and butter, which added an extra dimension of creaminess to our meal.

We concluded our meal with some carbs in the form of a wagyu dashi chazuke, which is rice topped with mince, mixed in a clear Japanese broth - this came highly recommended by the staff. Surprisingly flavourful despite its clean disposition, and a nice touch to round off the flavours of the evening.

Definitely one of the best steaks we've had in Singapore. Highly recommended for couples seeking a little sanctuary in the heart of town for celebratory occasions.


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