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A surprise Satur-date!

By Wednesday, February 22, 2017 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

With my move to Poland happening in less than a week, time seems to be whizzing by so quickly. As a couple, it feels like the more we plan for exciting weekend dates, the faster they come, and the faster they go by. I would like to share a surprise Satur-date that D meticulously planned just over two weekends ago.

It came out of nowhere one day when D said to me: "Next Saturday, you are mine for the whole day, are you able to keep it free for me?" Being fond of surprises, I was more exhilarated by the idea of having a surprise date that D put great effort into, than the activities we were actually going to do (D had apparently been spending quite some time conceptualising and planning for this "surprise" date). <3

It is also funny how we often like to spoil our own surprises. When I was told that it was a surprise, my natural instinct was to find out more about it. Which from a conversation with D subsequently, he inadvertantly gave on that we will end the night with a musical. I decided not to further spoil my surprise and refrained from checking Sistic's website to identify the musical we would be catching. That said, we had both talked about our love for musicals and that one day, we will together watch a musical in West End in London, Broadway in New York etc.

I recall how the preceding week went by really quickly, given the Chinese New Year long weekend and the resultant short three-day work week; and Saturday (4th February) was finally here. D, being secretive about the day's plans, revealed our first pitstop was a Hearty Brunch at The White Rabbit.

Brunch at The White Rabbit.
We decided to go for a mix of a hearty Fry-Up and a healthy salad to accompany. For the Fry-Up,  we  both enjoyed the creamy scrambled eggs and D particularly enjoyed the thick-cut bacon. The Endive & Frisee Salad is a dish unique to The White Rabbit, and I loved it for its refreshing twist. The highlight of our brunch, however, went to the freshly baked Madeleines which were served warm and infused with a pleasant citrus flavour, a perfect sweet note to end our meal.

L - R: The White Rabbit Fry-Up topped with Snail Sausage. Endive & Frisee Salad.
One of our favourites for this meal, the freshly baked citrus Madeleines served with Orange Curd.
Post-brunch stroll at The Rabbit Hole, an outdoor garden / dining area, which doubles up as a watering hole. 
Coincidentally, we bumped into one of D's close friends, who came here for a pre-staycation birthday date with her plus one!

Stealing a photo from our neighbour, a coincidental encounter with D's close friends!
D then revealed our next activity for the day - S.EA. Aquarium at Sentosa. Even though I had been here before, my recollection of the marine animals exhibited here were vague. More importantly, I was excited to experience this with D given that it is his first time here. D is a huge animal person and I particularly enjoyed watching the dolphins perform underwater, preparing for their leaps / somersaults.

S.E.A. Aquarium - One of our favourite photos captured here. 
At the Touch Pool, getting up close and personal with a Starfish and Sea Cucumber.
Eel spotted!
A slight change of our dinner plans given that we were slightly tight on time with the Musical start time being a limiter. D insisted I stock up on emergency medical supplies / first aid kit in lieu of Poland and we spent some time at the pharmacy for this. Hence, in place of a romantic dinner overlooking the sea along the beach at Tanjong Beach Club, we headed to Singapore Seafood Republic for a fine dose of chilli crabs!

A seafood dinner spread at Singapore Seafood Republic.
Surprise Satur-date ended with Mulan the Musical at RWS, which incorporated elements of local twists and humour. The highlight of any musical and the yardstick that you have been to a good one is when the cast members boast amazing voices. This was nonetheless true for Mulan and its lead cast members.

Mulan the Musical hosted in RWS.
Thank you love for this amazing Satur-date! You have just made my upcoming departure all the more difficult :'(


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